Friday, May 25, 2007
11:56 PM
YESSSSS!!!!!!!!! 3/6'07 really really really rockers, though they're off their rockers most of the time. hahahahahaha. we won tug of war and tag!!!!!!!!!!! im super super super proud of them lar!!! lols.
wat the hell. i swear we looked like some constipated women and man ok. see 3/4 people all stand in one neat neat straight row, then pull like some gentleman and gentlewomen. then our side looked damn like some barbarians trying to haul up a whale lar!!! haha. anyhow stand and anyhow pull. but we won!! that's the best thing of all. hah. we stronger than 3/4! lols.
against 3/5. game was damn easy to win. haha. it was our targeted champion game. haha. nth much. run around like some mad shit. nth else. hah.
stupid. retarded. watevr word u can use to discribe this game.wth. skip skip skip, hophophop. -.- lamest game i ever seen on earth (apart from sudoku) i didnt want to play in the 1st place lar! k no one did. hah. but thanks to SOMEBODY, i played. not fun. but see peop fall quite fun. oops. sadistic.
i swear i hate szuhsien!!! grrr. we slammed head to head lar!! given a tortoise head, i obviously lose rgt?? wth. k i shall not type the full incident here and let the whole world laugh. shhhh. k end of story was, one huge blueblack wif blood clot and a huge swell. 1 word - pain. haiyazzz. (haha i noe cher very xin tong rgt?? dun deny) haha. its all worthwhile. so adding up all e injuries today, i have knee pain, backache(due to tug), one huge cut on e leg and the bigbig blueblack. but its all worthwhile. (: haha. shit i cant smile lar! smile then very pain. :(
very sad. cannot smile. haha. ouch. how to not smile?? -.- k nvm. anw 3/4 did well, though got some cheats. haha. its jus a game. no hard feeling yeah? (: oh ya. thanks to tg for pulling me back. if not i wud have fallen. haha. dunno wat toking me? nvm. (:
yay!! so we won sth. one adidas cap and one pair of black socks. damn cool. ha. im damn proud of 3/6!!! i lurveeeeeeee 3/6! although we not THAT united, we go wif cliques that blend together well as a class.
k i'll try my best to influence positively on our classmates and help whenevr i can ok. then we'll all have brains.(k effa shut up) haha. we mus improve as a class, not jus as individuals. (: luv 'em still. (:
i think its damn nice lar, maybe cuz effort was put in. curse those who jus stand aside and give negative comments.
my name and jacq's ha. dunno why gold one. supposed to be silver. maybe cuz sunlight. haha. i wrote one neh! so happy. (:
Hsien and cher ting. haha. nice rgt. this one look more normal. (:
3/6 walking round the track- for fun. -.-
ha. i think junlin looks retarded. anw HAPPY COMING BDAE TO JUNYAO!!!
US. hehehehe. (: k for the 1st time in my life, and maybe the last, i think effa quite cute. haha. (but still damn bimbo!) i nvr say anything ok....
summing it up.... 3/6's the BOMB. (:
Monday, May 21, 2007
5:05 AM
haizzzzz. tests. results. sian.
failed 4/7 of the subjects taken back. seriously damn pissed wif me. i got study! but why litat.. i oso dunno. seems to be worse than last term. wth. didnt go for cca. didnt wanna go partly cuz i have totally no mood to play music. go there see evryone black face'll only make things worse. told joanne i didnt wanna go. told her i didnt have the mood. told her i was going for heats. i didnt pon. really didnt. im damn loser lar. keep disappointing people only. stupid jiangmei. haizz. results so bloody poor. disappointed mum. disappointed dad. wth. somemore daddy's overseas. didnt realise this few weeks bk, but now, im really missing him a lot a lot a lot. without him damn weird lar. no one scold me, no one play catching wif me in the hs. without him like damn quiet lar. haiz. father's day coming. dad wun be bk. feel damn devastated. damn sad. we rarely talk much, but deep down inside, we know there's love.k im damn emo now lar. ignore me. arrghh. im damn disappointed wif me also. while trying to not disappoint anyone, i disappoint a lot of peop. sian. got f9 for a maths and hist. 1st time in my sec sch life i have f9s. damn F-ed up lar. *yawns* tired sia. shud i go dwnstairs play ball or shud i go slp? k obviously i choose the latter. chinese result not out yet. shud be out 2mr. am i gonna be disappointed once again? dun really noe. hope not. anyway, im sorry effa. im sorry effa. im sorry effa. im sorry effa. im sorry effa. im sorry effa. im sorry effa. im sorry effa. im sorry effa. im sorry effa. im sorry effa. im sorry effa. im sorry effa. im sorry effa. im sorry effa. im sorry effa. im sorry effa. im sorry effa. im sorry effa. im sorry effa. im sorry effa. im sorry effa. im sorry effa. im sorry effa. im sorry effa. im sorry effa. im sorry effa. im sorry effa. im sorry effa. im sorry effa. im sorry effa. im sorry effa. im sorry effa. im sorry effa. im sorry effa. im sorry effa. im sorry effa. im sorry effa. im sorry effa. im sorry effa.not cuz i didnt go, but cuz i made u disappointed. :( sorry lar.. sorry lar.. today's really not my day to enjoy music. haizxz. okay i promise u i wun skip anymore until the day we step down okok? i swear i swear. *puts out 3 fingers*(or is it 5?) i never broke any promise i made to anyone since young.. so must trust me ok? haiya.. dunno how to say. not good wif words lar, as usual. dun angry le ok? i sincerely apologise for disappointing u. (k that sounded weird. anw..)ok. here's a piece of news that u shud be happy about. 3/6 HAS PLAYED INTO THE FINALS FOR TAG, TUG-OF-WAR AND PUSHBALL!! WE'LL BE COMPETING AGAINST 3/5, 3/4 AND 3/4 RESPECTIVELY THIS FRIDAY! SO THAT MEANS WE'LL BE PARTICIPATING IN 3 OUT OF THE FIVE FINALS. CHEER US ON! (:woots im seriously proud of 3/6 lar! though we got into tug of war finals due to 2 walkovers. xp anw we won 3/1 by 4 sec in tag. so proud lar. but 3/1 did very well oso. (: we'll be playing 3 finals. we'll be dead at the end of the day. but! mus die with glory. so we MUST win sth at least. i believe we can! it might be the only thing mrs ong can be proud of our class about. so we mus fight on. (:arr. sleepy. tired. i think im going to lie dn any moment and never wake up agn. i mean 2mr morning then wake up lar. haiyo.. think so much. tsk tsk. im seriously cheered up getting reminded of 3/6 getting into 3 out of 5 finals. poor ganesh. practically sat down there and held evryone's valuables with him during the games today. haha. k im seriously gg to die soon. so.. till nxt time! ja-ne!
Saturday, May 19, 2007
4:42 AM
went out wif ah ma yesterday. damn rubbish. were practically crapping for the full 5+ hours. haha. so cool!! haiya. effa shud have came. :( anw, took neoprints. here they are!! (:

dunno why the last one ended up so big. -.- haha. cool rgt??yay. so happy. no lar. actually quite hot now cuz of some irritating things. so.. let the pictures do the talking.
the wallet damn nice lar!! k i think its damn nice anw.. so DO NOT GIVE COMMENTS. tyvm. (:
the inside of the wallet. yes! buy for my nxt bdae ok? thank you!! (: (: (kidding, its damn ex. dun ever waste ur money on luxuries.)yay! the wallet ah ma finally bought. haha. bad thing its a gal instead of guy. i mean at the side. :(
minshan. figuring out which one she shud buy. the place i almost banged head to head wif someone. (dun laugh)
say Hi! notice no one is looking at u? muahaha. devastated? *tries to avoid rotten eggs coming my way* arrghh!! why the hell is my hp pouch there?????
ever seen hands kissing?! now's the chance....
shaking hands? or shaking face??? xD
chicken little when it ate a lot and then jumped into a puddle of mud wif his buddy.
the 'chopsticks and food' that totally leng diao-ed me and ah ma. haha. who the hell 'll use chopsticks to kiap erasers to erase stuff?! -.-
dunno why take this pic oso. i think we were laming about erasers. hahaha. anw, its cute ok..
k i swear this is freaking retarded. its a big, i mean huge ball wif a person standing in it. promoting bubbletea i think. cuz it says ' wanna add pearl?' haha. the person inside damn poor thing. stuffy until like hell. i think the person is almost dead le lar, cuz the other is like trying to get him to the stairs there then take out the suit. lols.
yay! elephants! woots!!! cute sia! actually not supposed to take pics, but yar. the person damn stupid. i take alr, gg out liao, then she come say.. no taking of photos. -.-
k thats all. haha. im super damn tired. shall go slp. haha.
nitez evryone!! (: (:
Friday, May 18, 2007
7:39 AM
im damn high now. damn damn damn high. thanks to all the crap contributed by many many many diff peop. -.- planned to update 2mr.. butsince effa requested and im bored, i shall crap a bit. and i mean a bit. haha.oh ya anyway thanks chee keong for cheering me up on monday, though he didnt know wat the heck was wrong wif me. im sorry for not talking for the full 3 hrs. guess i looked weird playing bball alone wif a guy sitting in the middle of e court asking wat happened to me. haha. thanks a lot. see his face feel like laughing. serious. peop think he shuai. -.- damn himbo lar. i am bored. i am bored. i am bored. i am bored. i am bored. i am bored. i am bored. i am bored. i am bored. i am bored. i am bored.i am bored. i am bored. i am bored. i am bored. i am bored. i am bored. i am bored. i am bored. i am bored. i am bored. i am bored. i am bored. i am bored. i am bored. i am bored. i am bored. i am bored. i am bored. i am bored. i am bored. i am bored. k done. now u can see im real bored. haha.(:
2day was fun. i think.had some chan.. chan.. um. chan_ something one lar. jap martial arts. cool. very fun lar. k seriously its e only martial arts we get to hit instructors. i think i go taekwondo there beat my instructor he'll crush me into meat sauce lar(direct translation). haha. cool. then the guy who keeps on taking our class, aloyscious i think. dunno how to spell. xp he damn funny. he was like pointing to his face ask me hit him, so i jus use full force force whack lar duh. then he was like 'relax lar.. whack so hard for wat?' haha. i feel like laughing lar. he damn funny. (:only bad thing.. is that once u gna hit.. 'OUT' they shout. irritating. sudden death oso better than this. grrr. but still, damn cool. cuz the stick damn super soft. then hit not pain at all. whack like hell oso not pain. haha. the counter attacks and the blocks oso damn weird. cant even use arm block the blows lar! wat is this??? good thing (or bad..) --- cannot hit a person until injury or anth. haha. cool. no worries at all. nt bad. but very different from taekwondo. thus, i still like the latter more (partly cuz i mastered it). yay. for once the sch is successful in organising post exam activities.
haha. cheers for mdm lim and team!!!
woohoo!!!that thing took up the whole 2 1/2 hrs. i think. yeah. then got recess and some leadreship program. the person damn nice lar! cut down our 2hrs course to 1 hr!!! but that meant we wasted $4. wah.. heart pain. (partly cuz i accidentally banged my bookshelf) was ok. understood. at least. haha. be glad prac. was one of the rare few not looking forward to it. supposed to end at 6pm. in the end end at 6.32. + fall in fall out, we left the sch at 7pm. thanks a lot man. in the end me and ainul were almost ran to the station cuz we were running very late. haha. met effa, aisyah, ranjini. haa. crapped like dunno wat thing. xpcool. 2mr gg out wif ah ma. as in minshan. -.- why the hell wud i go out wif my real ah ma??!! haha. her sis and meifeng ps us.. haiz. asked effa along. but she got tuition, as usual. then cuz someone very GOOD GIRL one, cannot pon lesson, so gotta get bk b4 3pm. cannot. so no choice. sad. sobsobs. nvm lar! we'll still hav fun! jus dared ahma to wear skirt 2mr. she dared me too. but skirts are naturally no-nos to me. haha. nvr happened in my life, it nvr will. haha. as usual. polo tee and board shorts. haha.BAND CONCERT IS ON THE 3RD OF JUNE IN SCH HALL. TICKETS SELLING AT I DUNNO WAT PRICE BUT CAN TELL U SOON. I THINK(HOPE). (: (:
i dun even noe whether i can play on that day... 3rd june. haiz.
Thursday, May 17, 2007
6:27 AM
k im posting.
2day had balloon sculpturing. ok lar. not as bored as sudoku-the dumbest game i ever played in my life. had a movie called NUMB3RS for some maths thing. nice. exaggerating facts though. who the hell will go and.... nvm. leave it. after that got some police talk. hello??!! i thought they came for SENIOR CITIZENS WEEK or sth. 5/6 of them are above 55 yrs old. yeah. that talk seriously helped a lot(sense some sarcasm pls..).then waited for full 3 hours for the bloody_____ shall tok bout it ltr. enjoy e pics 1st!! (:
my 1st ever ever ever balloon dogdog!! adorable rgt?? but i bursted minutes after i took this photo....... :(
tis two are... um. effa's and aqilah's haha. look so like couple!! (: (:
my 2nd dog(orange) and naf's one(blue).she insisted on taking photo than holding them. -.-
the flower aisyah gave me!! so sweet rgt?? haha. the flower has a tail. cool.
shahril's lucky dog. bursted. thanks to alvin. --.''k. now im going to rant. like hell. so dun read if u dun wan to. (:
im pissed. seriously. really. suck. i think peop got a lot of prob wif 3/6. seriously wat's their problem??? hello?! i dun see anth wrong wif being in 3/6. we got super fun buddies, we got a united class, we got peop who really care for each other and care to even nag at those who dun wanna do work. wat else can we ask for??
were not the bad kids evryone think we are. we are nice peop can?????wat's their problem. jus cuz we're in 3/6 doesnt mean we are not responsible, cannot follow instruction and cant function rgt. we are humans dey. HUMANS. we hav feelings too. jus randam comments can hurt us gettit? then when we tell peop we CAN accomplish things, they'll give the 'but u in 3/6 rgt?' look. wat's their problem?? cant they see that we're changing?? we're changing for the better. we're improving slowly, but at least we're trying. rgt?? if u think we suck, u suck more. if u think we rock, u rock too! for those who love discriminating us, GO GET A LIFE YO.
interview sucked. like shit. irritated. 'how r u sure that u'll work well wif ur batch?' suck cork. we stuck together through thick and thin since recruits can? if i dun work wif them, then work wif who?? ben, sky, alvin, ainul, martin and shahril are alr part of me. wat's e use of asking that kinda qn???? 'then how u prove to us that u can work wif them?' wtf. never see enuff is it? we've alr proven ourselves to be very gd buddies since sec 1. hello?! have eyes or not??
suckers. talk about biasness. who is bias against who lar. still wan say me. talk about contradicting myself. who's contradicting who?? was full time telling myself to relax. half way through really felt like standing up and slam e chair lar. not that u dunno, given my temper, better dun do anth close to insulting me or my friends. sucks. 'will u change ur attitude?''will u change?''will u change?' change wat shit u tell me? i m jus me. who told me that it doesnt matter what others think? who told me that we mus have faith that we can do things? peop jus dun believe that 3/6 peop can do things. u wait. u jus wait. we'll show u somehow that we're not as 'stupid' as u think. want us to change. we need time. but we dun need ur discrimination. neither do we need ur sympathy. dun like us? go away and stop irritating our life.
after all these sick peop said all these sick thing, my perspective of them seriously changed. a lot. cant take it. i luv 3/6. say somemore. discriminate somemore. combi sci. so? we're still the same human beings as u are. big deal. at least we have a life.
Saturday, May 12, 2007
5:33 PM
im updating. again. lols. yesterday after blogging then i go change the blogskin. hehe smart rgt. cuz i a bit bored by stupid chem stuff. hahaha. not bad rgt. quite nice i think. hehe. maybe not.
yay. went studying wif effa and the meow meow today(tania i shant tell others e cat is u ok..). was damn stupid sia. so many stupid things happened lar! cant stand. and i think im getting more and more spastic. hehex.
kao. noe wat? go that time rgt.. when the train went into yishun mrt, i was standing at e glass pane near the door. as usual, i was stoning. then when the train started moving, i happened to turn to my left, then i saw this girl. was wondering.. 'why she so tall ar?' then i look agn. 'why lyk so familiar ar??' so i look at e face. guess wat. IT WAS EFFA. at the exact same moment, she look at me eh. it was so stupidly spastic lar. we both we lyk laughing our ass off can?? she actually walked passed me to get in while i was staring at the people coming in. HELLO!! proves that we are equally dumb. hahaha. laugh like mad sia!
when we were reaching yio chu kang, tania already reached. nt bad nt bad. 1st time she wait for people lar! cool sia! 1st time others wait for me. lols. hahaz. so off we went. wanted to go e amk mac drive-thru.. but due to thirst, hunger and laziness to walk, we decided to jus go to e central mac. (actually we didnt decide. jus ended up there. -.-) so we went sit at the corner corner and started 'studying'. c'mon lar. the first 40min we were all moaning bout hunger and stuffs lar. jus simply put notes in front of us and crap.(actually throughout it was litat)
finally decided to buy food. yay! haha. me and tania ordered fillet-o-fish set. effa got mc chicken. effa was damn spastic when tania ask her help buy lar!!! k i shall not talk about it. scared later someone beat me up. XD
tania started to take super spastic pic of effa. i jus came out of toilet then. cuz toilet was jus beside. tg showed me e pic and ask me to rate 1-10 for spasticness. immediately after she said, i said 10. haha. me and tg bursted out laughing like mad and effa gave the 'gggrrrr' look. lols. then thanks to tania cher tingting, we all started to take photos of each other's spasticness. kao. (scroll down to look at 'em) spastic sia!!!
then finally, we talked about history. all the hitler and stalin and weimar government shit. tania summarised a lot for us to understand. NOT BAD RGT?? me and cher ting said a completely same sentence lar! it was 'jews are damn innocent'haha. but she refuses to do the essay, which was the reason why effa keep nagging like some.....
after that xiaoqian came. haha. hist pro according to tania. lmao. tania said she frown very funny. then when she came, effa was like telling tania 'ask her frown leh ask her frown leh.' damn retard sia!! then in the end tg's another fren came.(wat's the name ar?) haha. then crapped awhile and decided to go hm. cuz effa got tuition at 3pm. so we left tg and they all in mac.
k i shall not talk how being considerate can lead u to banging into someone. its damn spastic. effa was like laughing at me like shit. haha. then we took an empty train hm. so cool! except.. errrr. the stupid old man sitting opposite us. he was chewing his um... wat seemed to us, dentures. he was chewing it lar! and it was super super gross can? me and effa were trying hard not to look at him. eeeee. after effa alighted, i went the other cabin. seriously cant stand it. be glad u were'nt there.
oh. forgot to mention. at mac we saw this SUPER self disciplined gal studying herslef lar! she was already there when we reached and still there when we left. studying. no handphone AT ALL. amused?? me, effa and tg were all damn....... k nvm. wondering how anyone can do that. siao. k nvm.
k here are e spastic pics i took. hehe. enjoy!! (:
macdonalds... im lovin' it.
history notes!!! and um.. part of tg. hehe.
close up on wat we were mugging on.
tis wat how messy the table was beside effa. i was on her rgt. tg sat opposite us. (:
see.. i told u it was spastic.......................
another one to prove why i rate her 10/10.
wat's on her eye? twinkle twinkle little star. (:
cher ting and um.. eff's hand. haz. shirt damn nice. it says 'i'll trade my girlfriend for a coke.'
if u trust that she's mugging, its time to go for a check-up....
k that's all!! have a nice day! (:
Friday, May 11, 2007
4:15 AM
yayayayayayayay! im finally practising my english. blogger looks weird. is weird. wow. k sorry. currently hyper now. very. dunno why oso. jus woke up. hex.
test papers didnt work out fine. though i hope they did. sad. both maths.. no hope. 6 down, 2 more to go. sad sia. how i wish i chose lit. didnt rmb choosing hist. think parents put one. dun care lar. lit=no need study. hist=dunno wat to study. we lyk need to study evrything but no need study anything. im not making sense here so........
was feeling sad after maths test 2dae. went up find cheryl. ha. then cant rmb wat i did. went dn for band meeting. i sit dn thr play hp games. -.- k nvm.
then cheryl came dn find me. tried to think of smwhr to go. came up wif khatib. so in e end went up her class (agn) to take her bag. we supposed to go khatib buy 8 sesame street pencil cases. siangyee wanted to come, but thanks to lyn, they went orchard. hex. so me and cher went khatib. *skip a bit ok?*
thus, we found e pencil cases. cher bought 4 instead of 8. cuz no nice nice ones. wanted to go hm after tat, but cuz very early ma, so went to somewhr tat has air-con ---- supermarket. i think we damn lame lar. k nvm.
here comes the details...............................
started shopping for tidbits. started to get hyper. siao.
i started pressing the cube cube jellies. both of us ended up lyk super retards, poking and pressing all e tofu and fishballs and stuffs. laugh lyk shit lar. den went look for chips. cher was comparing all e amts of fats on diff packets. -.- (damn aunty lar!) so in the end we two like super retards(agn) taking evry packet off e shelf and comparing e fat content. started to do maths and divide. (no wonder cher maths better than me.)
went round and round e supermarket, crapping lyk nobody business.(actually it is nobody business lar hor) talk to bananas asking for their fat content....
cher tried to trick me by telling me the packets of mothballs are sweets. i know i stupid lar. but not THAT stupid can????
haha. so we ended up wif one packet of prawn crakers(cuz very low fat content), one packet of hello panda(forgot to check) and one packet of some weird biscuit.
oh man. damn hyper ever since. even up till now. -.-
haiya. i think we cannot go out together liao. if not will seriously feng diao and make peop think we jus came out of woodbridge. hha kidding kidding. but seriously peop will think we're mad. 1st thing we are shopping in supermarket aft exam in full sch u. 2nd thing we really laugh like nobody business. hahahahaha. siao. why so hyper ar? dunno lei. haha. but hyper-ing cheered me up after maths. (: (: that's wat hyper partners are for!! XD
went home, read tania's book (damn nice lar!)and crashed onto e bed. wake up, still high. -.- after dinner, still high. mum and dad wondering wat e hell is wrong wif me.hehe. now. still high. man. i needa cool down...
haha. okok. enuff of crapsss. shall go read chem.
byebye!! (: