nth much. sch has started. boo... im still in my 'sleep till 9am' mood lar. dread waking up evryday. sian.
last few days weren't very exciting, partly cuz the weather is killing me!!! stupid tropical equitorial region. quite irritating. lucky i sit under fan in class if not i wun have survived. (:
speech day rehearsals are also another fatal cause. wth. rehearse and rehearse so many times. can die lar walao.
today was.... ok... apart from maths. mrs chang was nagging and nagging and nagging ang nagging. cant stand. last 2 yrs got ms thoo. these two yrs got mrs chong. -.-
after sch, the guys in suddenly gone mad and started to throw stuffs at each other from the front to the back of the class and back to the front. siao people. started off with chapteh, the went on to pencil case, then file, then bag, then chair, and lastly, TABLE. sick man. walao the table almost hit tania lar. then they on music from maurice's ipod so loud that outside 3/9 can hear. they think disco ar. lol. tg said that she was surprised that we 3 can do homework in that kind of enviroment. (so damn afraid that anth wud fly into ur face any moment) lols.
oh yar. class photos are here! yeah finally. walao. evryone say most of the class look like gangsters. lol. we look so bad meh? hahaha. i find many faces very funny though. wahaha. but some spoilt the image. (quite mean rgt?) but you shud agree lar. *coughs*
yeah. nth much more. so i shall post some really outdated photos. yeah! enjoy! (or not...)
tis was damn long ago lar! during exam. hah. jacq quite cute. (: (:
jacq's hair was 'styled' by this person....
i've completely no idea what he was doing. -.- eating paper??
this was what we bought when we went out during hols. the box damn nice. the ICE CREAM too! (: it was 800ml. cool lar! mine was green. effa's was blue, ranjini's was yellow and jacq's was pink. :D
it looked like this before we ate it..
but looked like THIS after we finished. in i think around 10 min if im not wrong.
what she doing?? no idea. -.-
below are some that me and ainul saw when we went amk hub last week. (:
k that's all! i shall
try update more often! (: byebyes.