Thursday, October 25, 2007
11:47 PM
i feel damn sad lar. :(
we're not gonna be like this any more next year. wonder how life would be. would it be better? :(
all the hard times we went through together, all the stupid things we did, all the fun we had,and all the support we gave to each other. because everyone looked down on us, we learnt to stand on our own. within this one year, everyone grew up. a lot.
its not every year that u'll get classmates willing to go out with you even when they know they had to revise for their exams.
how i hope 3607 can stay unseperated. but we gotta face the fact. we have to learn from our mistakes. i hope they'll learn. really. how many people will not be able to have fun with us anymore? i dun dare count.
Sunday, October 14, 2007
7:25 AM
yay went suntec city yest and today. totally tired out.
went to millenia walk too. whoa. the price of things in candy empire's like.. whoa.
k im dead tired.. so let the pics do the talking. :D
ok this is SUPPOSED to look cute. my cam resolution not gd in the dark lar. (:
looks so.... lynette-ish. :D
this was what i saw on saturday. its damn cute lar. but i didnt hav coins.
i swear i love this place. everyone does!
munchy donuts at millenia walk cant be compared. seriously.
queued for only 10 min. quite fast. i love double choc. effa say u are jealous! (:
other than that i bought a shirt, socks, and um.. a roasted chiken at only $2! was $5.90. then cuz it was alr 10.45 when we were in carrefour on sat, e price kept on dropping. shud've stayed a lil' longer. lol.
k im really damn tired. shall go sleep now. nitez! (:
Saturday, October 06, 2007
10:23 PM
good friends are hard to come by.
thanks, effa. (:
Friday, October 05, 2007
11:03 PM
hi! yay i feel so gay now. :DDDD
partly cos dad's back(finally) and partly cos i went to the gym today!!!!!!!!!
yay dad's finally back. omg. so exciting. he's staying for 2 days b4 he's gone agn. its so never-ending lor. hate his boss. grrrr. then from nov onwards he's like going overseas to work for 3 months each time, and come bk only every 3 months. siao. then i only see him like 4 times a year?! what's wrong wif his boss???? -.- k nvm.ok i declare examinations over for me. :DDD what's left ar? oh a maths and chinese. chinese, study what shit? a maths, study oso fail, dun study oso fail. so mus well use the time to do more meaningful things like um.. er.. READING BOOKS! yeah! oh which reminds me.. ok wait wait. i shall continue and not be random. (: haiya. so many papers finally ended. and i guess i didnt screw that badly after all. ok except for my geog and phy for which i dun wish to mention anymore. it only brings more pain.... ok watevr.oh! books! yeah. got my hands on quite a few very nice books eh! cool. went ys lib with effa, py and ranjini yesterday. haha. the day before we decided to go thr STUDY a maths.
and when we went thr, we started reading books. and didnt stop till we went home. -.- ooh any, go read 'side by side' by um, some guy of sirname miller. haha. cool sia e bk. made me damn excited in the middle. but then it had a nice ending. omg i admire the novel writers. i mean, how the hell can they write 1 book from inspirations out of nowhere???
and their english is like superb. (: heart of betrayal is another damn nice bk. cuz i borrowed it. haha. ok. go read! the book's cover page damn nice! = the book damn nice! haha.
funny things happened while we were gg home today. shant say in detail but we practically ran all the way to the mrt stations. wahaha. went mac to eat wif ganesh and ranjini afterwards. all order big breakfast. f sia the person. i giv her 3 ten dollar notes and asked for 3 big breakfast. then i say pay seperately. then she gimme the 'huh wtf u toking about' face. wah then i stress. then practically teaching her p2 maths down thr lor. she really champion eh. after explaining to her what's pay seperatly, she gave me a change of $1.90. then i more stressed. ganesh beside me trying his best to calm me down. lol. then i told her i gave her $30. then she gave the 'wtf u toking abt' face agn. wah damn stress. after clearing matters up, she gave me the $1.90 and a $10 note. f. waste my time telling her how to seperate the change. made it so difficult for us to split the money. dang. ganesh was saying if he was me, he slap the person face alr. 1st thing, she damn bloody stupid. no offence but seriously. 2nd thing, she isnt good looking AT ALL. look like a pig. (not lynette that kind of piglet pig, at least she's cuter can?) grrrrr. stress.met junyang at ys gym afterwards. met this jc girl. i dunno why but she looks so damn familiar. but i couldnt recall who that is. maybe one of my senior's jc friends. she was with this lady of arnd 40 yrs old, or older. we INFERED that that shud be her relative or sth. then that woman damn funny lor. fell from almost every machine she uses. stress. i mean.. 1st time it was ok.. a bit funny. then comes the second, then the third. then the 4th. then the 5th. wah then we down there thinking,' gosh.. can she stop falling down? cuz she fall down then will laugh loud loud. then very irritating. they left after 1,1/2hr, so it wasnt much of a problem.
feel damn guilty towards my body for stuffing it wif junk and not training for weeks(2 exactly). and can u believe it? i gained 1kg during these 2 weeks. wth. and i seriously dunno whether that's muscles or fats or simply bones. siao. gained like 2kg in a term. too much lar! i think my shoulders are getting bigger. cuz literally all my shirts shrunk at the shoulder part. and now i hav to get bigger shirts. -.- 4 hrs of serious training implanted sores all over my body. now that exams are over(quite), i'll stop all the junk food and get bk to weekly trainings or they'll start to nag agn. even guys can be very naggy nowadays. what's happening to the world???? actually, i dun care. :))))))
yay that's all. and im still feeling damn gay. hahaha.
im really feeling sores all over. guess i gotta go sleep. (:
byebye! (: